Swedish Massage @ Dubai Airport

From: US$ 130

Try Timeless Spa’s Swedish Massage for the ultimate spa quick fix to Recharge your senses and experience revitalizing energy with a body massage. Swedish massage  involves rubbing, kneading, stroking and tapping your muscles. Stimulating massage using traditional Swedish  techniques that allows the body to absorb more oxygen  and allow detoxification. Swedish massage is available in 60 minutes and 90 minutes.


Massages are a great way to relax and unwind. A massage involves manipulating the muscles and joints to relieve stress or pain. This is achieved by relaxing tight muscles and promoting blood circulation.

Getting a Swedish massage can also be beneficial to your heart. A masseuse (a person that practices massage) manipulates the body’s soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels) and uses strokes that flow toward the heart, improving blood circulation.

Swedish massage may help reduce symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. Some of the symptoms that could be managed by massage therapy include back pains, headaches, muscle issues and other chronic pains.

Massages are also associated with boosting immunity. This can help you in managing conditions like the common cold, asthma, diabetes, and breast cancer.

In addition to the positive health impacts mentioned above, getting a Swedish massage may also have the following benefits:Nerve stimulation. By applying pressure and manipulating the muscles, a Swedish massage helps to stimulate nerves located in different parts of the body. The nerves could be stimulated in a way that helps to manage pain and discomfort.Mood booster. Massages have been found to improve mood by promoting the production of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These hormones act to stabilize your mood, helping you feel happy and positive. A Swedish massage could also act to reduce the production of cortisol, a stress-causing hormone.Tension reliever. Also known as adhesions, knots can be quite painful. The Swedish massage warms up the muscles and breaks down the binding spots and relieves the tension gathered at the knots. If you have a severe case of adhesions, consider other, more intense types of massages.Lymph drainage. Lymphatic drainage occurs naturally when you use your muscles. However, if for any reason you are not moving or using your muscles, the lymphatic fluid could accumulate. This could cause a build up of toxins. A Swedish massage can help manage this problem.Improving flexibility. Massages help in relaxing your muscles and joints. This improves your range of motion, which in turn increases your stretching capability.
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Swedish Massage @ Dubai Airport
From: US$ 130Read more
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